Prepping for Prime Time
Each year, pest control companies across the nation utilize the winter months to gear up for the start of their busy season. With the pandemic impacting both customer demand and protocols for your organization, it has never been more important to spend this time preparing before the service calls start rolling in. Read on to learn three spring prep tips to get your technicians and company in order before business booms this summer.
- Spring into Cleaning The spring months are the perfect time to perform a deep clean of your equipment. Before the busy season hits, properly clean sprayers, pumps, spreaders, foggers and other equipment. This is also a good time to establish standard operating procedures (SOPs) for properly cleaning and maintaining equipment throughout the season with your employees.
- Hire Early With people spending more time at home due to the pandemic, many homeowners have noticed pest problems that may have gone undetected in the past. As pest control companies prep for the return of many different pests, many are planning for a major growth in calls from homeowners—which means they’ll probably need to hire more manpower. Since new technicians require at least three weeks to a month of training, the key is to hire early or else you may be scrambling to serve new customers as your technicians complete their training.
- Team Training Managing a successful pest management business is bolstered by continuous education, but ongoing social distancing guidelines have made in-person training for your employees more difficult than ever before. From Insect ID Pages and posters to blogs, the Zoёcon team has been working hard on developing resources to help your employees brush up on their training.