How Your Company Can Use Digital Marketing to Reach Customers During COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed more than just the way pest control companies do business. It has also impacted the way pest control business owners reach and interact with new and existing customers. In order to stay connected to customers during this time, your pest control company should be utilizing several different digital marketing strategies. Here are some of the available digital tools that will help you succeed in retaining customers while also attracting new business:
Social Media: For those who are actively using social media in their digital marketing mix, this one may seem like a no brainer, yet there are still many pest control companies that are not using social media to their benefit. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn will help your company showcase their capabilities and expertise. Social media also serves as a valuable customer service tool, allowing you to respond to your customers’ messages directly.
Videos: Whether it’s a quick tutorial on how to identify an insect infestation or an informational video on the products your company uses, video content can be produced to be distributed on social media or your company’s website. Videos are a great way to engage with your customers and show off your company’s expertise and with so many affordable tools for producing videos, you don’t have to break the bank.
Google Business Profile: When home owners or business owners search for a pest control company, they’ll likely turn to Google to find an option near them. Now more than ever, it is important to have an accurate business profile that appears on the right-hand side of the search results. Be sure to create and/or claim your company’s profile and update it with any relevant information so that it is easy for potential customers to find your company and get in contact.
Email Marketing: Emails can also be an essential part of your marketing strategy. Emails allow your pest control company to give valuable information to potential customers and drive them to contact you. This is a great way to contact customers that you haven’t heard from in a while. To pique their interest, offer up a special discount or incentive for them to become active again.
Given that consumers are spending more and more time online, it is important for pest management owners to understand how their digital marketing efforts can play a significant role in helping connect with customers. By using a combination of digital marketing strategies, your pest control company can attract new customers while building brand loyalty for existing ones.