Bed Bug Treatment Bedroom Protocol

To achieve the most effective control of bed bugs in bedrooms, it’s important to follow proper protocol to prevent a reinfestation. For a successful bed bug treatment program, check out our helpful guide below that includes a thorough protocol, quality bed bug product options and proper product application.

Five Places to Treat for Bed Bugs in the Bedroom:

  • Furniture, including the legs, frames and undersides
  • Mattress and box spring seams, edges and tufts
  • Wall hangings such as drapes and frames
  • Entry points to prevent the pest from spreading
  • Baseboards

Product Recommendations and Best Practices

Precor® 2625 Premise Spray

Precor® 2625 Premise Spray utilizes multiple modes of action for quick, effective knockdown. Featuring an IGR, 3 adulticides and a synergist, this aerosol can be applied as a broadcast or crack-and-crevice treatment to entry points, hidden areas, surfaces, bed frames, box spring seams and other surfaces bed bugs can be found.

Gentrol® IGR Concentrate

Featuring a translocating active ingredient to reach hard-to-reach areas, Gentrol® IGR Concentrate uses an IGR to break the insect life cycle. Apply as a fogging agent, general surface spray or tank mixed. Treat under beds, bottom side of box springs, under and behind night stands, to points where carpet and wall meet, molding and other areas where bed bugs harbor.

Benefits of Using IGR Products for Bed Bugs

Laying between 200-250 eggs in her lifetime, a female bed bug can lay 1-3 eggs per day. Within an infestation, many of the pests will be in the larval stage requiring an IGR for control. Insect growth regulators (IGRs) prevent the larvae from developing into breeding, biting, blood-sucking adults.

Green Bed Bug Products

Essentria® IC-3 Insect Concentrate

This environmentally friendly pest control solution features active ingredients derived from essential oils. Apply as a spot treatment to cracks and crevices, around baseboards, floorboards, headboards and walls. Spot treat mattresses on tufts, seams, folds, and creases.

Essentria® All Purpose Insecticide Concentrate

Ideal for sensitive accounts, this product features a broad-spectrum Octopamine blocker, a unique mode of action. Apply as a fine particle broadcast spray, paying special attention to cracks and crevices, around baseboards, floorboards, headboards, nightstands, walls, and other harborage areas. On mattresses, you may apply a broadcast treatment, concentrating on the tufts, seams, folds, and creases.

EcoPCO® ACU Insecticide

A reduced-risk option, EcoPCO® ACU is a flushing and contact aerosol insecticide. Take the bed apart and treat cracks, joints and interior of framework. Treat mattresses and box springs; especially around tufts, folds, seams and edges. Treat baseboards, moldings, floors, and all cracks and crevices in the room.